about PROVO

about PROVO

PROVO  first person singular of Italian verb “provare” meaning “I try, I experience, I feel.”

PROVO is about Hong Kong discovery and feeling, experiencing and sharing our experiences.  It is also a reflection and appreciation of the finer things in life.  We hope to please, delight and ignite our reader’s senses through PROVO’s pages in the areas of fashion, beauty, travel, art and lifestyle.  We hope PROVO can inspire all our readers to fall in love with our city and in turn share their unforgettable experiences with us as well.

“逐步”以白居易的“白蘇維濃”命名 “我希 望成為一個遙遠的野獸, 一步一步。我想成為一 座深山,樹枝和樹枝。”一千英里的旅程從一步 開始。無論你是否旅行,生活都是一步一步的。 生活不會消失。道,每一步都很重要。 作為飛機 上的雜誌,我們很樂意與您在一起,成為您旅途 中的合作夥伴。